
Friday, December 1, 2023

The Insanity of Rejecting, Gods, Kind Offer of Salvation

 The Insanity of Rejecting, Gods, Kind Offer of Salvation

Rejecting God's offer of salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ can be seen as akin to insanity when considering the eternal consequences. The Bible teaches that all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory (Romans 3:23) and that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). This separation from God leads to eternal damnation.

However, God, in His love and mercy, offers salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. By repenting of our sins and putting our faith in Him, we can receive forgiveness and eternal life. This offer is a kind and gracious invitation extended by God to all humanity.

To reject this offer is to disregard the very source of hope and redemption. It is to choose a life apart from God and to face the consequences of eternal separation from Him. This rejection demonstrates a disregard for one's own soul and eternal happiness.

Considering the weightiness of eternity, it is essential to care for the condition of our souls. If we truly desire eternal happiness and a restored relationship with God, we should lovingly submit ourselves to the Lord Jesus Christ. This submission involves acknowledging our need for His forgiveness, turning away from our sinful ways, and surrendering ourselves to His lordship.

In humble and grateful obedience, we accept Jesus as our Savior and follow His teachings. This decision not only secures our salvation but also brings about a transformation in our lives as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live according to God's will.

Therefore, rejecting God's offer of salvation, when we understand the eternal consequences, can be seen as a misguided and irrational choice. It is an act of turning away from the only source of true happiness and eternal life. In contrast, accepting the offer of salvation brings hope, peace, and the assurance of eternal fellowship with God.

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